In his "City of God", St. Augustine talks about rightly ordered love. Augustine calls God the "highest good." He makes the point that if we love anything or anyone more than God, even good gifts, those things become evil because we can not properly show love for others if we do not properly love God first. That is such a challenge! Especially when you consider the list of relationships, responsibilities, & blessings that God places into our lives, like spouse, children, friends, people in need, work, hobbies, recreation, etc.
We have another name for rightly ordering love. We call it prioritizing. Prioritizing is an important skill to have personally & as a congregation. Today we'll see that it's God's love for us in Christ-the love that led him to leave his heavenly home to come and save us sinners-that helps us rightly order our love. Remembering that we pray with St. Augustine. "Set love in order in me, Lord."
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