Jan 2025
Stewardship—Ever since the fall into sin, the concept of truth has been up for grabs. Our first parents believed the tempter’s deceit and, in the aftermath, asserted their own truth in vain self-defense. Pilate, when invited to consider the truth of God, questioned whether truth existed at all. Paul testified to the Gentile world’s denial of truth as they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for mere images.
Human beings today are no different. Fine print hides the truth. Political leaders stretch the truth. Individuals deceive themselves and call it truth. We follow the same pattern, pursuing a semblance of truth when convenient and reshaping it altogether when we think it necessary. Truth remains confused.
Into this mess of ugly comes biblical truth.
A series focused on truth could go in many directions—from an in-depth look at the nature of scriptural truth (certain, real, objective, eternal, etc.) to a study of how God communicates his truth (natural and revealed). Yet above all else, biblical truth is CHRISTIAN truth. It is truth centered in Jesus Christ. It is truth revealed through Jesus Christ. It’s not merely a set of assertions or propositions to grasp with our minds, but a person to know with our hearts.
And as we come to know Jesus, we recognize that Christian truth is truly beautiful—for ourselves and for others. This series explores the beauty of Christian truth, along with the importance of deeply grasping it for ourselves and communicating it to others, especially the next generation. The series follows this approach:
Jan 2025
The Romans Road—The Romans Road to salvation is a systematic approach to explaining the essential truths of the Christian faith, using verses from the Book of Romans in the New Testament. This method outlines why we need salvation, how God provides it, and the results of receiving God's gift of salvation. We hope you can join us as we begin this new midweek study or Romans 1-8 in the New Year.
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