Beautiful Savior
"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work."
1 Corinthians 12:4–6

Volunteering is a great way to meet fellow members, plug into the church, connect with the community, and serve God with your time and talents.

God has uniquely equipped each of us with specific skills and gifts. Using your God-given skills as a volunteer is a wonderful way to serve Beautiful Savior. Our opportunities to serve include everything from helping annual outreach events take place to making sure the lawn is tended to; things that occur weekly with a group, things that take place far less frequently as you rotate turns throughout a larger team.

We’ve compiled numerous opportunities below that are currently in place to keep our ministry thriving. If any of these opportunities to serve at one or both campuses interests you, we hope you’ll reach out to the point of contact provided to learn more.

Opportunities to Serve through Moncks Corner


  • Nursery

    We want to share the gospel of Jesus with everyone – including young families. This makes a professional staffed nursery a vital part of our congregation's ministry, as it allows us to help keep parents with young children connected to Jesus through his word in the worship service.   

    *Note, all of our volunteer opportunities with our children require a background check and screening process.

    I’d like to Volunteer

  • Sunday School

    God gives parents the primary responsibility when it comes to bringing their children up knowing their Savior. We want to help our parents do just that and the more we have involved with this vitally important work, the better. 

    We provide all the training and detailed lesson plans so that our Sunday school teachers can assist in keeping our precious lambs close to Jesus through his word. That's a blessing not just for parents, but for the entire congregation.

    *Note, all of our volunteer opportunities with our children require a background check and screening process.

    I’d Like to Volunteer

  • Preschool

    From time to time our dedicated preschool teachers need volunteers for substitute teachers, teacher's aides, and special projects or supplies. This is a great way to get involved with another ministry at Beautiful Savior that serves young families.  

    *Note, all of our volunteer opportunities with our children require a background check and screening process.

    I’d like to Volunteer


  • Worship Services

    Our weekly Sunday Gatherings wouldn’t be possible without teams of volunteers contributing their efforts, whether in highly visible roles or behind the scenes. If you’re interested in serving with our staff and volunteers on Sunday mornings or if you’d simply like more information, click any of the titles below to let us know.


    Altar Guild


    Safety Team

  • Music + Choir

    Whether through our sound deck or the talents of musicians in our congregation, our services are blessed with music and voices as we worship together. We are always welcoming more voices in our choir. If singing isn’t your thing, there are additional roles through our sound system, sermon recordings and more. 




    Sermon Recordings 

  • Sunday Hospitality

    Several volunteer teams at Beautiful Savior are responsible for helping to create a friendly, welcoming environment for our members and guests on Sundays. If you enjoy taking care of details and making others feel at home, we hope you’ll consider serving with us! Click on the available teams below to let us know if you’d be interested in volunteering.

    Coffee Prep


    Fellowship Snacks


  • Helping Hearts for the Homeless

    Our main area of ministry has been through the Potluck in the Park held at Conway Park in front the TTC Palmer Campus on Columbus and America Streets. Food donations and helpers are welcome every Sunday. 

    The fourth Sunday of each month is our special Sunday that we sponsor and organize to provide the whole meal from salad to dessert. Help is needed with cooking, serving, cleaning up, collecting, etc.

    • I'd Like to Volunteer

  • Lowcountry Orphan Relief

    Our campus annually supports the Lowcountry Orphan Relief twice a year. Through end of summer, we hold a Back to School drive that allows us to deliver book bags filled with needed school supplies. And before Christmas, we offer the opportunity to shop for these same children and provide unwrapped Christmas presents.  

    I’d Like to Volunteer

  • Fall Festival

    Our Fall Festival service is held annually around the last Sunday in October. Our Fall Festival worship service is a great way to invite friends, relatives and neighbors to church and stick around for a huge cook out and fun, family games and activities. This is a free event for the whole family.

    • I'd Like to Volunteer

  • Vacation Bible School

    After the craft glue dries and summer turns to another school year, our prayer is that children leave VBS knowing Jesus as their Savior. Join us (the third week of July) as we engage in a great week teaching the truth and trustworthiness of God’s Word. 

    I'd Like to Volunteer

  • Neighborhood Mailings

    Twice a year we try to reach over 12,000 homes in the surrounding neighborhoods near our church inviting them to our Easter Festival and Candlelight Christmas Eve services. In order to most efficiently reach this many of our neighbors, we pre-sort our postcards by the various zip codes and delivery routes and self apply the mailing labels. This is an easy task to accomplish for almost any age and can be tackled easily while watching your favorite movie, all from your couch.

    I’d Like to Volunteer

Congregational Care

  • Card Ministry

    Our Card Ministry is a joint effort shared by individuals and by our Women’s Ministry team. Cards can be an important, yet often overlooked, means to sending notes to those in need of care, recovering from surgery, or other difficult time that our individuals send in confidence and care. Additionally, our Women’s Ministry works behind the scenes specifically supporting other women in the congregation with anonymous, randomly sent, uplifting cards. If you’d like to help with either team, let us know.

    I’d like to Volunteer

  • Discipleship Committee

    Discipleship Committee members do two things. First, they work with the Executive Council in checking in on members who have been absent from worship for a prolonged period of time. 

    Secondly, they serve as informal greeters at every worship service, committing themselves to welcoming guests and new members. Especially at worship, the DC members make a point to be friendly and outgoing. 

    I’d like to Volunteer 


  • Special Events

    At special events throughout the year, there are a number of key volunteer roles that help make everything run well and on schedule. If you’re interested in helping us pull off the logistics or if you’d simply like to find out more, click on the volunteer titles below.

    Hospitality Team

    Baptism Prep

  • Exterior Maintenance

    While you may have not thought about it before, a church facility requires plenty of building and grounds maintenance, most of which we are fortunate to receive from congregational volunteers. We want to continue to nourish and care for our worship space much like we do for the souls that worship here, while being good neighbors and stewards with the campus we’ve been blessed to manage.

    Exterior Building Maintenance

    Lawn Care 

    Flowers & Beautification

  • Interior Maintenance

    There are a number of important weekly and one-time volunteer opportunities that take place within our building, and we’d love it if you’d consider helping out. 

    Interior Building Maintenance

    Cleaning Team

  • Executive Council

    The first New Testament congregation at Jerusalem chose men “full of the Spirit and wisdom” (Acts 6:1-6) to aid the apostles in the administration of its affairs. Our congregation is served by our Executive Council members and committee members with like qualifications (1Timothy 3:8-13).


    Robert Blackwell


    Building Officer

    John Dulude


    Ministry Officer

    Jim Marshall


    Financial Officer

    John Young



    Jonathan Quinn


Opportunities to Serve through Summerville:


  • Nursery

    We want to share the gospel of Jesus with everyone – including young families. This makes a professional staffed nursery a vital part of our congregation's ministry, as it allows us to help keep parents with young children connected to Jesus through his word in the worship service.   

    *Note, all of our volunteer opportunities with our children require a background check and screening process.

    • I’d like to Volunteer

  • Sunday School

    God gives parents the primary responsibility when it comes to bringing their children up knowing their Savior. We want to help our parents do just that and the more we have involved with this vitally important work, the better. 

    We provide all the training and detailed lesson plans so that our Sunday school teachers can assist in keeping our precious lambs close to Jesus through his word. That's a blessing not just for parents, but for the entire congregation.

    *Note, all of our volunteer opportunities with our children require a background check and screening process.

    • I’d like to Volunteer

  • Preschool

    From time to time our dedicated preschool teachers need volunteers for substitute teachers, teacher's aides, and special projects or supplies. This is a great way to get involved with another ministry at Beautiful Savior that serves young families.  

    *Note, all of our volunteer opportunities with our children require a background check and screening process.

    • I’d like to Volunteer


  • Worship Services

    Our weekly Sunday Gatherings wouldn’t be possible without teams of volunteers contributing their efforts, whether in highly visible roles or behind the scenes. If you’re interested in serving with our staff and volunteers on Sunday mornings or if you’d simply like more information, click any of the titles below to let us know.

    • Ushers

    • Altar Guild

    • Flowers

    • Safety Team

  • Music + Choir

    Whether through our sound deck or the talents of musicians in our congregation, our services are blessed with music and voices as we worship together. We are always welcoming more voices in our choir. If singing isn’t your thing, there are additional roles through our sound system, sermon recordings and more. 

    • Choir

    • Instrument

    • Sound

    • Sermon Recordings 

  • Sunday Hospitality

    Several volunteer teams at Beautiful Savior are responsible for helping to create a friendly, welcoming environment for our members and guests on Sundays. If you enjoy taking care of details and making others feel at home, we hope you’ll consider serving with us! Click on the available teams below to let us know if you’d be interested in volunteering.

    • Coffee Prep

    • Greeters

    • Fellowship Snacks


  • Fall Festival

    Our Fall Festival service is held annually around the last Sunday in October. Our Fall Festival worship service is a great way to invite friends, relatives and neighbors to church and stick around for a huge cook out and fun, family games and activities. This is a free event for the whole family.

    • I'd Like to Volunteer

  • Vacation Bible School

    After the craft glue dries and summer turns to another school year, our prayer is that children leave VBS knowing Jesus as their Savior. Join us (the third week of July) as we engage in a great week teaching the truth and trustworthiness of God’s Word. 

    • I'd Like to Volunteer

  • Neighborhood Mailings

    Twice a year we try to reach over 12,000 homes in the surrounding neighborhoods near our church inviting them to our Easter Festival and Candlelight Christmas Eve services. In order to most efficiently reach this many of our neighbors, we pre-sort our postcards by the various zip codes and delivery routes and self apply the mailing labels. This is an easy task to accomplish for almost any age and can be tackled easily while watching your favorite movie, all from your couch.

    • I’d Like to Volunteer

Congregational Care

  • Card Ministry

    Our Card Ministry is a offered by individuals in coordination with Pastor and EC. Cards can be an important, yet often overlooked, means to sending notes to those in need of care, recovering from surgery, or other difficult time that our individuals send in confidence and care. If you’d like to help with this team, let us know.

    • I’d like to Volunteer

  • Discipleship Committee

    Discipleship Committee members do two things. First, they work with the Executive Council in checking in on members who have been absent from worship for a prolonged period of time. 

    Secondly, they serve as informal greeters at every worship service, committing themselves to welcoming guests and new members. Especially at worship, the DC members make a point to be friendly and outgoing. 

    • I’d like to Volunteer 


  • Special Events

    At special events throughout the year, there are a number of key volunteer roles that help make everything run well and on schedule. If you’re interested in helping us pull off the logistics or if you’d simply like to find out more, click on the volunteer titles below.

    • Hospitality Team

    • Baptism Prep

  • Exterior Maintenance

    While you may have not thought about it before, a church facility requires plenty of building and grounds maintenance, most of which we are fortunate to receive from congregational volunteers. We want to continue to nourish and care for our worship space much like we do for the souls that worship here, while being good neighbors and stewards with the campus we’ve been blessed to manage.

    • Exterior Building Maintenance

    • Lawn Care 

    • Flowers & Beautification

  • Interior Maintenance

    There are a number of important weekly and one-time volunteer opportunities that take place within our building, and we’d love it if you’d consider helping out. 

    • Interior Building Maintenance

    • Cleaning Team

  • Executive Council

    The first New Testament congregation at Jerusalem chose men “full of the Spirit and wisdom” (Acts 6:1-6) to aid the apostles in the administration of its affairs. Our congregation is served by our Executive Council members and committee members with like qualifications (1Timothy 3:8-13).


    Pete Mielke

    Adult Ministry

    Jeff Dunn


    Dan Manes

    Financial Officer

    Lukas Heckmann


    John Cousins

    Administrative Officer

    Peter Johnson


    Michael Otterstatter

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