Freedom is one of the United States’ key ideals. And while ideological divides mean different groups have different concerns when it comes to the pursuit of freedom, there’s a common thread woven throughout all the varying perspectives: self-determination. Such emancipation from outside control and the opportunity to follow one’s own path in life is a cherished right. Yet, that ideal of freedom assumes that individuals are, in themselves, free. But is that true?
The fall into sin means we’re not only impaired in our ability to understand and make decisions; this same condition applies to our very motivations, desires, and passions. While it seems we are free to do what we want and want what we want, in reality our very impulses are deceptive. The deceit of sin runs deep. Not only does it fail to deliver promised freedom, it actually brings a truly sad and desperate slavery to a cruel master. Satan’s lies brought servitude and suffering, pain and death to our first parents and every generation since.
Yet in abundant mercy, God has revealed truth in his Son Jesus Christ—truth that saves. Truth that brings life. Truth that frees from sin’s deception. This truth of Jesus Christ is beautiful beyond measure, and the freedom it brings is so very deep and profound. And it is a truth that is for all. Stewarding the truth, therefore, requires us to help people recognize their sad condition and to speak the beauty of true freedom in Christ into their specific experience of sin’s deception.
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