We understand why God became man in the person of Christ. The Savior needed to be able to suffer and die to atone for mankind’s sin. What is fascinating is that when the work of redemption was completed, the Son of God did not set aside his humanity. The God-man ascended into heaven. It is a human, our brother, who sits on heaven’s throne.
The ascension marks the completion of Jesus’ earthly mission, but it does not signify the end of his work. While on earth, Jesus had set aside so much of his divine power. But Jesus now picks all that power back up again. He ascended to exercise his limitless authority for the Church as we carry out our mission to be Christ’s ambassadors of grace to the world. He lives! And he is in absolute and perfect control, ruling over Creation for the eternal well-being of his friends. And that is what we are!
The Festival of the Ascension is one of the oldest and most joyful celebrations in the Christian Church. It will be observed by Christians until Christ returns to take us to be with him.
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