In a sense, prayer comes naturally to us. We want, so we ask. We hurt, so we cry out. We are frustrated, so we vent. We are blessed, so we give thanks. So we sometimes define prayer as “speaking to God from the heart.” Seems so easy.
What does not come naturally, however, is the focused prayer God wants for us. We need focus when it comes to the basis of our prayers. Our prayers are based entirely on the unique and unearned relationship with have with God, our Father. We also need focus when it comes to the content of our prayers. Yes, we can speak from the heart and ask for anything we want. But our Father invites us to pray specifically for the things he wants to give us.
Prayer is the opportunity to bring our will into conformity with God’s will, not the other way around. We have much to learn about prayer. So, along with Jesus’ disciples, we say, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1).
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