Today we see again the striking difference between a God-lived life and a life lived serving the false gods of this world. The difference is in the way that God’s people look at ambition. No one should be more ambitious than we are. But look at how Jesus turns worldly ambition upside down.
Worldly ambition says, “I should get my way. I should be first.” That attitude wrecks family life, perverts the proper use of wealth, and turns others into doormats. But for those in Christ the ambition is to serve, not to be served. That service is ever asking, “How can I help?” instead of “When is it my turn?”
From where does that kind of ambition come? From the One who alone deserves to be served, but instead has served the lowliest of the low (even you and me!) by giving his life for our ransom. This morning we see that a God-lived life is a Selfless Life of service.
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